About Us

With the dawn of a new year, 2025, I have started a blog to share the world’s most advanced therapeutic drug developments in life sciences, startup movements, and the investment activities that make them possible. Here, I will share tips, ideas, and the latest information to help shape the future of healthcare, based on the knowledge, achievements, and experiences I have accumulated in Japan, the U.S., and Europe, as well as general information.

During my graduate studies, I worked to reduce the number of people suffering from diseases, especially cancer, which imposes a mental burden not only on the patient but also on the family members together. Because it is a life-threatening disease that affects all tissues, we have a lot to learn from each tissue. The basic and clinical research of our seniors around the world has led to the development of drug discovery concepts for various diseases. The goal is to share information about the importance of the latest therapeutics, how to manage diseases, and how they can help improve our daily lives. I hope that we can help all people.

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